American Machinist Gear Book: Simplified Tables and Formulas for Designing, and Practical Points in Cutting All Commercial Types of Gears

This book has been written to fill a pressing want; to give practical data for cutting, molding, and designing all commercial types, and to present these subjects in the plainest possible manner by the use of simple rules, diagrams, and tables arranged for ready reference. In other words, to make it a book for the man behind the machine,” who, when he desires information on a subject, wants it accurate and wants it quick, without dropping his work to make a general study of the subject. At the same time a general outline Of the underlying principles is given for the student, who desires to know not only how it is made, but what is made. Controversies and doubtful theories are avoided. Tables and formulas commonly accepted are given without
comment. (….)

Charles Hays Logue, Reginald Trautschold
McGraw-Hill – 1922 – 353 pages

Wheeler Cooling Towers …

The purpose of this volume is to assist prospective purchasers of cooling equipment and members Of the engineering profession. in the selection of the proper type of tower to most efficiently meet any cooling problem that may present itself.

Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Company, Carteret, N.J. – 1922 – 63 pages

Carpenter – TM 5-551B

Purpose and Scope
This manual provides guidance and reference data needed in the training of the carpenter in his military occupational specialty (MOS) 51B, a part of MOS career group 51. It covers only the technical phases of that skill. It assumes that he is generally familiar with the tools used by the construction and utilities worker (MOS 51 A), also a part of career group 51. This manual provides information on construction print reading, construction techniques, the preparation and use of bills of materials, building layout, forming for concrete, frame and finish carpentry, and bridge and wharf building, and the materials used in their construction. The entire pattern for soldiers in MOS career group 51 is described in AR 611201.

United States. Dept. of the Army – 1971 – 196 pages

A Treatise on Belts and Pulleys

Belts and pulleys.
Embracing full explanations of fundamental principles; proper disposition of pulleys; rules, formulas, and tables for determining widths of leather and vulcanized-rubber belts and belts running over covered pulleys; strength and proportions of pulleys, drums, etc. together with the principles of and necessary rules for rope-gearing and transmission of power -by means of metallic cables.

J. Howard Cromwell, PH.B.,
John Wiley and Sons, 1888

The construction of cranes and other lifting machinery

Preface to the Third Edition
This edition contains in Part I. the matter which constituted the original edition, and in Parts I. and II. the work as it appeared in the second edition.

The slight revision found necessary has been in form rather than in substance.

The new matter, Part III., comprises numerous examples, setting forth the present practice of some of the best-known makers of lifting machinery. Many of such examples serve to illustrate the extensive and extending application of electrical energy to the operation of cranes and lifting machines of all types.

Edward Charles Robert Marks – 1904 – 260 pages

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