
This section contains information on wooden trestle bridges, steel bridge theory and practice.

A Treatise on Wooden Trestle Bridges: According to the Present Practice on American Railroads

In collecting the data for this work, a circular letter was sent to each chief engineer throughout the country of whom the author could obtain the address. These letters met with many hearty responses, and resulted in the collection of a very complete set of plans of the standard trestles in use on the different roads. (….)

Wolcott Cronk Foster
Wiley, 1897 – Bridges – 216 pages

Design of Steel Bridges: Theory and Practice for the Use of Civil Engineers and Students, Volume 1

American literature on the different phases of structural engineering has been very extensive in the last twenty years. In addition to the numerous, valuable monographs published in periodicals, excellent books have been written. Most of these are intended as text-books for the student, and as such properly lay the greatest stress on a broad treatment of statics, graphic and algebraic. Concerning the more practical part, however, which is of greatest interest to the practising engineer and the advanced student, such as the selection and application of the method of calculation best suited to a given case, and practical rules, examples, tables, drawings, etc., to be used in designing, very little is available in compact form for immediate use.

As an attempt to fill this want, the author presents herewith a work on “Structural Engineering,” giving data of value to the designer, which the author has collected during thirty years of his professional practice. (…)

F.C. Kunz, E.E.
McGraw=Hill, 1915

Structural Engineers’ Handbook: Data for the Design and Construction of Steel Bridges and Buildings

The aim in writing this book has been to give data, details and tables for the design and construction of steel bridges and buildings. The book is written for the structural engineer and for the student or engineer who has had a thorough course in applied mechanics and the calculation of stresses in structures. To this end data and tables that will be of service to the designing and constructing engineer have been given, rather than predigested data and designs that might be used by the untrained. The book is intended as a working manual for the engineer, draftsman and student and covers data, details and tables for the design of the structures ordinarily met with. (….)

Milo Smith Ketchum
McGraw-Hill, 1918 – Building, Iron and steel – 896 pages